Saturday, December 29, 2012

Identify Your Skills - Know the Different Types of Skills

Skills are the key to any job success. Learn about the following four skills categories, which you may need in your job search. 

The Foundation Skills are the ones every worker needs. They are organized into four groups: Basic, People, Thinking, and Personal Qualities. They are marketable and transferable skills.

Marketable Skills
Marketable skills are those that an employer will pay you to perform:
  • All of the Foundation Skills
  • The skills listed in "Want to Hire" advertisements.
  • Examples of unmarketable skills are, Riding a bike . . . who will pay you to use that skill? Not many. Learning a skill like creative writing will certainly motivate an employer to pay you.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Parents Role in Career and Education Planning

Parents are a teenagers primary counselor. As much as teachers, school counselors and other professionals or family members. Parents play a critical role in education and career planning of their children. Parents need to acquire knowledge about educational options, their children’s interests and skill sets and help them through the career exploration and decision-making process.

Informed career decision making process will help student to explore and evaluate the best potential opportunities for their career success and happiness.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Learn More About Yourself

You want to choose an occupation that fits your unique qualities -- your abilities, talents, needs, values, and interests -- and the life-style you want to live.

Knowing your "unique qualities" is not easy. It is a challenge for everyone. But, the clearer picture you have, the more likely you are to choose a satisfying career.

It is important to write your ideas down. You may find this difficult to do, many do. But, it will make a big difference in your self-understanding. Write down your thoughts and feelings as you do the exercises below. Make a folder to keep your notes and writings.

Here are eight strategies you will find helpful: