About the Career Key Pakistan

What is Career Key?
The Career Key test measures the strength of your six Holland personality types. These types are based on Holland career choice theory, the one most widely used by professional counsellors - and the subject of hundreds of scientific studies.

Who can use it?
The Career Key can be used by people of all ages whether you are exploring careers in school, selecting a program in college or changing career...

Why use it?
The Career Key helps you learn about yourself, your "Holland personality" and how it is related to job satisfaction and academic success.

When you can use it?
You can use it NOW, if you are unsure of your career goals, career options, interests and personality and unsure of how to make career decision. It is available in paper pencil format in both English and Urdu languages.

The mission of Career Key Pakistan is "To help all people make the best career choices, countrywide."
The Career Key Products: High-Quality, Affordable Career Guidance for Everyone
  • We strive to be The #1 source for expert, professional help in making career and educational choices -- affordable to all.
  • Our website gives you expert help with career choices -- career changes, career planning, job skills, and choosing an educational program.
  • It is based on the best science and practices of career counselling . . . and the most complete and accurate information available.

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